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Best Electric Bikes For Adults For Sale

Explore A-Spadz’s electric bike collection, designed to suit all your riding needs.

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BV Certified

In conformità con EN 15194

BV Certificato secondo EN 15194

Meeting the BV Standard, in accordance with EN 15194, assures consumers that A-Spadz Electric Bikes have been certified to meet critical electrical and fire safety standards.

Siamo presenti in oltre 800 negozi di biciclette

Test rides & service

Siamo presenti in oltre 800 negozi di biciclette

Se i nostri clienti hanno bisogno di assistenza, i nostri rivenditori sono qui per servirvi. Potete anche fare un giro di prova su uno qualsiasi dei nostri modelli di Ebike presso le sedi partecipanti. Consultate la mappa dei nostri rivenditori o chiamateci per maggiori informazioni.
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Frequently asked questions

Contact us for more info


I vostri prodotti sono conformi alle normative?

Yes, we aim to do everything 100% legal


Which payment method does A-spadz accept?

You can pay using a credit card or debit card, Google Pay, Klarna, Sofort, WeChat, or PayPal.


Can I Ride a A-Spadz E-bike With a Passenger?

Cavet is designed for one rider only, while the Cavet Air model can accommodate one passenger alongside the rider.


Devo scaricare completamente la batteria prima di caricarla?

No. On many batteries this is preferred, however our batteries are all high-tech batteries and have built-in mechanisms that protect the battery from overcharging.


How can I clean my A-Spadz bike?

Clean your A-Spadz bike just the way you would clean a regular bike. The battery can handle water, but it is recommended to remove the battery before hosing down your A-Spadz bike.


Quanto tempo ci vuole per ricaricare la batteria?

Charging the battery from empty to full typically takes 6-9 hours.


Modifications of A-Spadz E-bikes

Sebbene i nostri ciclisti siano liberi di modificare la propria e-bike e renderla propria, alcune modifiche potrebbero essere pericolose e invalidare la garanzia. Componenti non per bicicletta, come pneumatici e motori after-market, sottopongono i componenti meccanici ed elettrici a uno stress molto maggiore di quello per cui sono stati progettati. Si prega di tenere presente che qualsiasi modifica al sistema elettrico delle nostre e-bike, come batterie, motori, acceleratori, controller e fari after-market, invaliderà la garanzia in quanto può influire sulle prestazioni e sul comportamento della bici.


Come posso montare la mia bici?

The bike is 95% assembled, please follow the assembly instructions included with the bike. You can also find all instructions and videos on our website. However, we generally recommend having your e-bike assembled at a nearby A-Spadz authorized dealer or a professional bike shop.


Does Cavet Air have a dedicated after-sales repair center?

We have established connections with local after-sales service centers. Customers can go there for repairs if the problem is within the warranty period.


Where can you ship to?

Our website offers shipping to the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Finland, and Sweden. For further details, please refer to the shipping information.


If I Order an A-Spadz E-Bike Now, When Will It Arrive?

In-Stock Ebikes: up to 5 business days for processing. For more details, please refer to the shipping information.


Can I track the logistics of the goods?

Yes will provide tracking number after goods are shipped


Where Can I Buy an A-Spadz E-bike?

A-Spadz e-bikes can be purchased directly through our website.

You can also purchase your A-Spadz e-bike from an authorized distributor near you!


Can I make address/order modifications?

We are unable to modify or change an order once it has been placed. If you need to make any adjustments, you may cancel your order (as long as it falls within our Cancellation Policy) and then place a new order with the correct information.


Cosa devo fare se manca una parte del mio ordine?

If you are missing an item from your delivery, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. To help us assist you more effectively, please provide your order number and any other relevant information when contact us.


What should I do regarding an unauthorized transaction?

If you notice any unfamiliar or unauthorized A-Spdaz charges on your account, it is crucial to take immediate action. Please contact our customer support team as well as your financial institution right away


Quali sono le caratteristiche del tuo modello di ciclomotore?

I nostri prodotti sono progettati negli Stati Uniti, con i nostri telai, luci, ecc. brevettati. Possiamo configurare alcuni prodotti periferici personalizzati per aumentare la fidelizzazione dei clienti e i profitti dei rivenditori. Inoltre, i prodotti utilizzano una configurazione e una verniciatura ad alta specifica per garantire che la qualità e l'aspetto siano molto attraenti.


Come devo riporre la mia bici elettrica A-Spadz?

Suggested Storage Conditions

All of our e-bikes are weather resistant to minimal weather conditions. We generally advise against exposure to extreme weather conditions that may cause extra strain on the battery/motor and protect all other electrical components. We recommend storing indoors, safely away from the elements when the bike is not in use.

Storing the Lithium Battery Do not store the bike for more than 24 hours with an empty battery. This prevents a deep discharge which may permanently affect the battery's performance. Charge the battery and use the bike at least once every 90 days.

If the charger has been exposed to improper storage conditions, i.e. water submersion, safely store and dispose of your charger immediately through a proper hazardous e-waste facility. Do not attempt to use the battery.


Dove posso provare un A-Spadz?

You may test-ride our e-bikes at any of our dealers. We recommended calling ahead to see which models are available for demos at each Dealer location; we cannot guarantee that our Dealers will have the available inventory.


Ho bisogno di una licenza e/o di una registrazione per il mio A-Spadz?

Per guidare la tua e-bike A-Spadz non è necessario registrare la tua e-bike, né ottenere un permesso speciale, né avere una licenza.

Le nostre e-bike sono certificate EPAC; le biciclette elettriche A-Spadz acquistate e vendute per l'uso in Europa sono state testate, certificate e sono conformi ai requisiti di sicurezza EPAC (Electric Power Assisted Cycle) secondo la norma EN 15194.

Ti consigliamo vivamente di rimanere sempre aggiornato sulle leggi e le normative vigenti nel tuo Paese.


Is the Battery Removable?

Sì, la batteria è rimovibile su tutti i modelli attuali